PulsarWave - The Trend Monitoring Radar

Created by team PulsarWave on July 10, 2023

PulsarWave is an innovative solution that harnesses the power of artificial intelligence to scan and interpret global news, identifying impactful trends in real-time. It acts as a digital intelligence analyst, navigating the complex world of geopolitics to bring the most pertinent information to decision-makers. Not only does it monitor global events, but it also makes sense of them, converting raw data into succinct and actionable reports. By staying ahead of key geopolitical shifts, PulsarWave empowers businesses, governments, and organizations to make informed decisions and develop strategies that are resilient, adaptive, and forward-looking. From identifying risks to spotting opportunities, PulsarWave is an essential tool in the modern, interconnected world.

Category tags:

Social Media, News and Information, Utility and Tools, Business, Planning, Web Application

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Google Vertex AI Hacka

Google Vertex AI Hackathon Google Vertex AI Hackathon Google Vertex AI Hackathon Google Vertex AI Hackathon Google Vertex AI Hackathon Google Vertex AI Hackathon Google Vertex AI Hackathon Google Vertex AI Hackathon Google Vertex AI Hackathon Google Vertex AI Hackathon Google Vertex AI Hackathon Google Vertex AI Hackathon Google Vertex AI Hackathon Google Vertex AI Hackathon Google Vertex AI Hackathon Google Vertex AI Hackathon Google Vertex AI Hackathon Google Vertex AI Hackathon Google Vertex AI Hackathon Google Vertex AI Hackathon Google Vertex AI Hackathon Google Vertex AI Hackathon Google Vertex AI Hackathon Google Vertex AI Hackathon

Google Vertex AI Hackathon

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testingoo musi


"Great idea and implementation! The presentation is decent, butI feel it could have been better. Some points about specific vertex ai tech that was used should have been included in the presentation, and a person should have briefly explained the project before the demo."


Chinmay Jog

Machine Learning Engineer

"Very thoughtful prompting throughout the application. Was this application created within the timeframe? I see more OpenAI API then Google Vertex."


Ervin Moore

PhD Computer Science Student